Tuesday, October 25, 2011

School Session (pt. 1)

So I know this is way past due, but scheduling multiple families in a season where it rains 50% of the time is difficult.  So we were finally able to coordinate schedules and got some 'school's back in session' photos done for some families from our church.  You guys were fun to work with! 

And family #2 will be tomorrow...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Family...and a cat....

I re-visited a great little family this past weekend that I love working with.  I shot Mr H's photo when he was a couple weeks old and MY has he grown since!  I love little chubby baby cheeks and he has some to go around!  Thanks for letting me capture these great family moments with your little one.  You may be wondering why the title about the cat....well they have a sweet little grey cat that decided that he was not to be left out of any photos...so he kept returning, and returning, and returning to the scene.  I don't normally post 'bloopers', though I have my fair share, but in this case....I'll make the exception...

ok so anyways...enough with the ridiculous cat...now for something more serious...

he was really excited about the pumpkin hat :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I went through my photos of my own kids this weekend again and I did a kid looking right at me....





too bad the kid was neither mine, nor human....