Monday, July 18, 2011

Melissa & Andre Maternity

I had the great pleasure of photographing a wonderful time in the life of Melissa and Andre...they are awaiting their first baby and there could not be a more perfect couple.  I know these two can't wait to share their amazing love with another little soul.  Melissa, you are a beautiful pregnant woman and you just glow with joy.  You are going to be an amazing momma, and are just going to love this baby more than you can even know, and be a wonderful daddy.  I wish you guys all the best!

one of my faves of the day...

Andre kept reading his book in a funny voice and cracking Melissa up.  She tried to fight the laughter but I just told her to let it out...

we were done shooting for the day but Melissa decided she needed some ice cream, and then we passed this perfect little pink house....sorry it's pink Andre.... :)

Andre was going for sweet here but i love Melissa's expression...

i have to say that this is my favorite shot of the day.  I just love how it symbolizes the two of them + their new addition so well.

thank you for letting me photograph you on the hottest day of the year!  :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No Secret....

Well it's no secret that my husband is a gun carrying citizen, and because we have guns in the household, we have already made kenzie aware of them just in case.  She knows that if she sees a gun she is to immediately get mommy or daddy...but tonight Joel let her get a little more hands on!

she looks dangerous huh?  We're thinking of using this as a guard-daughter sign.


Joel's aunt has 2 doggies that Kenzie absolutely adores.  Well this morning lil miss gypsy had to be put down.  I know that everyone including Kenz will miss her greatly

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July!

This Independence Day i finally got to use the 'bulb' mode on my camera.  This is the most manual you can really get the camera...i control everything...which was a lot of fun to play with.  I read up on how to really photograph fireworks and got lucky enough to have 2 nights of them to perfect it!

i love this one!

a little out of focus multi burst fun...

My fave...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

1 thing....well ok maybe 4...

First...this was snapped on the way out of the woods after Mr. A;s photo shoot.  He kept asking what i saw...we said, nothing that a five year old would appreciate my boy :)

Secondly...while still in the woods we saw this baby bluebird.  His mom squaked at us the whole time but i couldn't resist snapping this pic... baby boy is quite possibly the cutest thing in this world...

and fourth(ly?) my baby girl who is also the cutest thing in this world says HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Part 2 of Mr. A....

Ok here is part two of Mr A's photos....

i love his attitude here...

i'm fully aware that he looks like he's peeing.  He isn't.  :)

Juuuust before he dropped the rock on his foot

thanks for posing with me Mr. A!  I had a blast!